Sunday, August 26, 2007


We are currently in Frisco, Texas at Grits sister's house. We have been through Pulaski, Tennessee where we saw Wes and Sundown (and Haven, though we couldn't really see her yet).
I am actually writing this somewhere between Little Rock and Texarkana. Our trip isn't done but a large portion is completed. For every mile that ticks by we are moving closer to our new lives.

(you can check out my blog over on the right ;)

Monday, August 6, 2007


Hello all,

Sorry for the lack of updates, we Kelleys have been rather busy as we worked on getting the house ready to be put on the market. Since the last update, we have gone to LA again (a birthday present for Mom from St Mary's Vestry) and now we are preparing to leave Lansing for good. We will be leaving Lansing on August 21 to travel to LA where we will be living in the original rector's cottage in the back of the church property. It will be tight, but we will all be together again.

As soon as things settle down I'll see about getting some updates from Doc Turin, Grits, and of course LordoftheBricks