Thursday, April 19, 2007


This is Vesper, she's the church cat at St Mary of the Angels.

It's said that she owns the church, we simply pay her rent by way of cat food and treats. In fact while we were visiting in January we were told that we were most definitely the ones because Vesper liked us. Anyway, one of Vesper's nicknames is "Her Royal Highness". So one night I decided I would humor the curate (Fr Davis, Doc Turin's assistant) and put the cat in a crown... Here was the result:

Needless to say he loved it, and I am told that Vesper liked it, too. I am told that she pointed out that the pleading look in her eyes indicated that "It's time for treats" and that the crown is to convey that I (Fr Davis) had better pay close attention to the message in the pleading eyes... or else!
So, I had a great bit of fun with that, and I brightened things in LA.

Tuesday night, I received a request from Fr Davis... He asked if I could Vesper in a wimple. After a moment I responded that I would see what I could do. So Wednesday morning, after learning I wouldn't have to leave as early for NCCC/S, I sat down at my computer and set to work. This was the result:

This is did take up most of my day, but by the time I had to leave I had finished and was quite satisfied with it. Doc Turin and Fr Davis loved it. Doc Turin called and said just how much they loved it. In fact it prompted Fr Davis to write her biography. Which is as follows:

The Tale (or tail) of One Professed

It has now been twelve years since she first entered the Church of Saint Mary of the Angels. The Office of Vespers had just begun. Rain pounded on the roof; there was thunder and lightning. She appeared tired and frightened, and walked, in some pain, with a limp. Still, she made it down the long center aisle and into the sanctuary, where she lay down on the festal carpet, quiet and attentive through the remainder of the office. Father Jones and Joan Johnson scooped her up and dried her off, gave her food and water, and decided to watch her overnight. Perhaps she would need to be seen by a Vet in the morning. She did not, and by morning had set about exploring the entire church, from the heights of the choir loft into the depths of the undercroft, covering every inch. Never mewing, she moved with a stealthiness that was almost reverential. Some could pet her briefly, but only when approached by her first. Due to the time of her arrival, she became known as “Vesper”. She attended every Mass and office, at times resting on the sanctuary carpet, or moving quietly under the pews, where she would suddenly rub against and startle the faithful. One or two were initially scandalized; “What’s that cat doing in the church?” It lasted less than two weeks, and the mantra changed to “Has anybody seen Vesper?” She has never left. She knows, and is known by all. She greets visitors, and members of a Hollywood actor’s workshop that meets on Mondays, the members of A.A. who meet on Wednesday and Friday evenings. She now has a pillow on the far Gospel side of the sanctuary, fondly referred by all as “Vesper’s Stall.” She required emergency surgery on one occasion, when, no doubt defending her ecclesial home, she tangled with what must have been a particularly vicious (and very likely heretical) possum. In that she is one of America’s many medically uninsured, the parish treasurer, always known for a thriftiness rivaling that of Jack Benny, promptly paid, without question, all of the expenses. And so, after twelve years as inquirer, candidate, postulate and novice, she is now recognized as life professed with the name Sister Mary Vesper de Los Feliz . She is, not only life professed, but by popular assent, SUPERIOR, very superior, in every respect. Should you have doubts, just ask her!

He then placed the picture of Sister Mary Vesper under the above biography, and below that was the following:

Portrait Photography by
Elizabeth Kelley Studios

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